Worldlog week 19 – 2014

5 May 2014

Another 2.5 weeks to go until the European Elections on 22 May. In the Netherlands, we will be voting on a Thursday, but most countries will not go to the ballot boxes until Sunday 25 May. So we will also have to wait for the results until Sunday 25 May. The first vote has already been cast from California!


Will the EU allow turbo swines from the US via a free trade agreement? That depends on what you vote on 22 May.

In the Netherlands, we have several voting aides on the internet. Through short questionnaires, you can find out what party suits you best. In an agricultural voting aide, we came out as third most chosen party. More and more farmers are discovering that the Party for the Animals is the best party for farmers!

Do you attach great importance to privacy? In that case, according to the Privacy Barometer, people can choose from 3 parties to vote on in the EU elections, including our party!


Last week, our book Black book Poison ‘We have our hearts in our throats and are holding our breath’ was published, containing more than 350 reports from concerned citizens about the use of poison. Last year, hundreds of people reported extremely dangerous situations on our website and expressed their concerns about pesticides in their environment. On Wednesday, amid great interest, my colleague Esther Ouwehand handed the first copy of the black book to a campsite manager who lives next to a lily nursery.

overhandiging zwartboek

The Netherlands are in the top 3 of countries with the highest use of pesticides in the world. When pesticides are sprayed, people often suffer from headaches, sore throats and nausea. They may also suffer from fatigue. The main concern of residents, however, are the long-term effects of pesticides. They fear the development of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and various forms of cancer. They particularly fear for the health of their children and grandchildren.

Below, a few nice campaign photos. What great volunteers we have everywhere in the country, helping with campaigns and putting up posters.




