World Conference 2024
Human-Wildlife Conflict: let’s coexist peacefully!
At the tail end of 2024, around 70 participants from 30 different countries gathered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for the annual Animal Politics World Conference.
This years’s theme was ‘Human – Wildlife Conflict: let’s coexist peacefully!
Our conference was again a beacon of hope and connection. Some remarks of our participants at the end of the conference:
Sandra Krief (Parti animaliste-France): ‘Such a great and positive animalist energy.’
Sandra Pimenta ( PAN- Portugal): ‘So many sharings, experiences, different realities that make us reflect on life in particular, thinking about what strategies and paths to follow in the defense of animals.’
All particpants of the Animal Politics World Conference.
Our conference brought together people from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, South America and many more countries! Every year, new participants from other countries join, like this year Japan.
It is a clear sign that our international movement is growing and getting stronger: with compassion!
Opening of the conference
The conference started on Friday the 13th with a network moment. Chair of the Animal Politics Foundation, Eva van Esch, opened the conference with a welcome speech. She welcomes all the participants and explained our program.
Eva van Esch: chair of the Animal Politics Foundation.
Eva also introduced our Member of Parliament Anja Hazekamp, who joined this moment to connect with the participants from over 30 countries. It was an important way to open the conference as the days after the program was full of professional speakers and workshops. But an important part of the conference is connecting and getting inspired by each other.
Anja Hazekamp (second from left) connecting with participants from all over the world.
During the weekend, interesting presentations and workshop took place on our theme Human-Wildlife Conflict, but also on War on Animals, People Power and Strategy within Politics. Participants had to sign for the multiple workshops.
Our first keynote speaker was Christiaan van der Hoeven: Human-Wildlife expert at the WWF. Christiaan explained how to coexist with wildlife in a rapidly changing world. He addressed how to meet the growing demands for food, water, space, and peace for both humans and wildlife.
Christiaan van der Hoeven - WWF.
Watch the full lecture here:
The second part of the Saturday morning there were multiple workshops by Maite van Gerwen about the introduction to human-animal conflicts, how they arise and how to deal with them and a workshop by Davor Marković with the title: From Global Pacts to Local Action. Crafting Criminal Reports for Wildlife Protection.
Maite van Gerwen.
Davor Marković.
Next to these two workshops our participants could also choose to go to a presentation about War on Animals given by Maya Kawas from Libanon and Olga Chevganiuk from Ukraine.
Maya Kawas.
Olga Chevganiuk.
The afternoon started off with a beautiful nature walk with two guides from the IVN Institute for Nature Education and Sustainability. This institute ensures the protection and development of nature in their working area through various activities. Meanwhile another workshop was given by Paul van Gent on People Power. Participants of this workshop could have taken the online course People Power, which teaches them how to find the right people and motivate them to work together in our common movement for animal rights, climate justice, better nature and a healthy environment.
The nature walk.
Workshop People Power by Paul van Gent.
The day ended with again three multiple sessions. The workshop of Maite van Gerwen was given again. Our participants learned all about technology for a better planet by Tim van Deursen and Thijs Suijten from Hack the Planet.
Also there was a presentation and Q&A with Member of Parliament of the Party for the Animals Ines Kostić about the strategies within politics.
Hack the Planet.
Ines Kostić.
Our last day of the conference started with the keynote speaker Melanie Challenger, who gave a presentation about 'The Council of the People and the Bears: A vision of animal-inclusive democracies'. Melanie is the co-director of Animals in the Room and Vice President of the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
Melanie Challenger.
Watch the full lecture here:
The last two workshops of our conference were given by Susan Boonman-Berson on 'Human-Wildlife Coexistence: meet or expel your co-inhabitants'. And Senator of the Party for the Animals Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers on 'Governing human/non-human relations'.
Susan Boonman-Berson.
Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers.
We ended the world-conference with an important call to action. Together we signed a manifest which urges to leave wild animals alone as much as possible. As the living space of animals is becoming increasingly smaller due to human actions. Freedom for wild animals can be achieved by stop hunting, preserving natural habitat and stop the alternation of wildlife habitat. 70 participants over 30 countries signed this manifest. With the strong message: Human-Wildlife: let's coexist peacefully!
Signing the manifest.
We thank all participants who joined our world-conference from all over the world. Together we have learned so much at the conference and have many connections been made. Keep on leading with compassion and see you next year!
Marjolijn Veenstra (Manager Animal Politics Foundation) & Stephanie van Voorthuizen (Board Animal Politics Foundation)